我们的环球骑行梦Our Dream

A man and a dog have a dream that cycling aroud the World.The most precious gift in life is not how many beautiful things you see, but who you see it with.

路漫漫其修远,(Road is long Come.)

抬头看天,(Look up)

你在天空盘旋。(you fly from above.)

若隐若现。(with or without you.)

那请带着走我的思念,(It also took away my thoughts.)

冲破九霄云烟。(Cast to the winds)

奔向梦与梦的边缘,( Get to edge of the Dreaming.)

却触不到的你昔日容颜。( Your face couldn't touch.)

不等沧海变桑田,( Seas change into mulberry fields.)

谁能负得起这急景流年?( who is  whether will stand the test of time.)

昨日不问仙,( Go away quietly yesterday.)

今日无悔也无怨.( Unrepentant complain.)

抛开过期旧便签,( Put the past away.)

漫天飞散的誓言,(Oath may start flying)

你一眼就能看见。(you visible at the first glance.)

等你落回人间,(Waiting for you to fall back to earth.)

我们再次肩并着肩,(I Walks beside you,)

心永相连.......( Heart to heart forever. )

                                                                               @邦达 (BangDa Town)


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