我们的环球骑行梦Our Dream

A man and a dog have a dream that cycling aroud the World.The most precious gift in life is not how many beautiful things you see, but who you see it with.

在路上--凡有等待,就有启程(On the Road ,where Wait and Set out

二014 年五月十九日(19th May 2014 ) 星期一(Monday) 晴 (SunShine ) @ 永登(YongDeng Town) 

(Pack up all my load, said goodbye to LanZhou 's friends . We continue cyclingMany thinks to be clear ,We doesn't care about scandals,  some day it will all come to an end. I decision burning to dream,Which one is more important the pressures of life and dignity of life.  Life is a no return journey,with rough and mud but have the beautiful scenery.  We  arrives together finally is the end my spiritual. )


(Cycling out LanZhou City, the scenery along like Lhasa river )


Like film <<no man's land>>

二014 年五月十九 - 二十日 (20th May 2014 ) 星期二(Tuesday)  晴 (Rain to Sunshine)@ 天祝 (TianZhu Town  ) 

大雨看不清前方的路,想起冲刺在暴风雨中的海燕..... petrel in rainstorm

 二014 年五月十九日(19th -23 May 2014 晴 (SunShine ) @  武威,张掖 



(We are  camp in a  police station.  The  police chief received us . He is a good man anconversationalist. We talked for hours about the meaning of life in the night.  )


过大漠戈壁的时候 鞋子骑坏了 (My shoes are broken  when pass the the gobi desert and desert


二014 年五月二十八日 晴 @  敦煌








(After sand storms , I sat staring into the distance on the  mountaintop with tears streaming down my cheeks,I love the people around me is not how you.)

翻越天山 (Cycling Mount Tianshan)



@ 乌鲁木齐阳光动流浪物救助站(Hope for the Homeless in Urumchi)


 送君千里 终须一别  (Two friends followed us with their private bikes.)

远远的站着,此刻词穷却难掩心中感慨,那是美到了心坎里,终于见到你容颜,是这么多年以后。这一湾宁静的湖水下面,隐藏着多少的美丽与哀愁?我是这么的重容与淡定慢慢走到你的身旁,那个动人而凄婉的故事早已和这碧蓝湖水一样,深埋心底,只要你动心,就激起层层涟漪。献给切丹与雪得克。 @赛里木 

(I edged a little closer to she. And yet it has not the blue devils, but the blue angels in it, in the azure tint ofits waters.) @Sayram Lake

We have get the Schengen visa 22th August 2014 to 19th November 2014

  Distance 70KM to Kazahstan, Will  enter Kazakhstan 16th June 2014


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